
tes•LAX is a free-time effort of a single developer. Please review these common issues before contacting support.

Common problems

My car does not have an OBD-2 Port, or the OBD Port seems to be inoperable.

  • All Model 3’s built before sometime around May 2020 did not have an OBD-2 port. Model S/X’s may have a port, but it is not actually connected to the CAN bus. In some cases, an additional 3rd party adapter wiring harness may be available to provide a functional OBD-2 port that is connected to the CAN bus. Additional wiring, and installation is necessary. Damage done to your vehicle may not be covered by vehicle warranty. Proceed at your own risk. Be sure to understand the limits of your vehcile’s warranty before connecting any device to your vehicle.

I have chosen a signal from the database but it does not display any information, or it displays incorrect information

  • The information in the signal database is not available from the vehicle manufacturer and has been collected by a community of hackers and tinkerers. It may not be complete or correct.

  • The source for Model 3 signals is updated regularly, while no such database of Model S/X signals is being matained. If you know of a source for a reularly updated, freely publishable DBC of Model S/X signals, please use the link above and we ill happily include it in tes•LAX.

  • Many signals may not actually be supported, or were available in previous verisons of the vehicle’s operating system and are included in the database for historical reasons or in case the vehicle manufacturer decides to return them to use

  • Vehicles may have multiple CAN bus networks, and some signals in the database may not be present on the specific network you have connected to your OBD-2 interface. At the time of writing, examples of this include the Model 3’s GPS longitude and latitude, as well aa lateral and longitudinal acceleration. If you have a single-bus accessory (which is the majority of them) you will find that these gauges do not update.

  • The vehicle manufacturer may change or remove signals without notice, rendering tes•LAX unable to receive a signal or to decode the signal correctly.

tes•LAX indicates “Buffer Overrun”

  • A typical CAN bus transmit signals at a rate of up to 500Kbps. This is more than the bluetooth interface can typically handle. The OBDLink MX+ can filter signals before sending the data over bluetooth. If you are visualizing too many signals these filters may still be passing too many packets over bluetooth. Typically, tes•LAX will restart the data stream as soon as it can, resulting in the loss of packets between the time of the buffer overrun and re-establishing streaming.

I don’t understand the signals or can’t find a signal I’m looking for

  • The signals in the database are community provided and/or reverse engineered. The best place to ask questions or discuss signals is on various community forums. (For example, Tesla Owners Online or Tesla Motors Club)

I still neeed help